[PDF&VCE] Lead2pass Latest SAP P_SD_65 Exam Questions Free Download (21-30)
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Lead2pass is one of the leading exam preparation material providers. Its updated P_SD_65 braindumps in PDF can ensure most candidates pass the exam without too much effort. If you are struggling for the P_SD_65 exam, it will be a wise choice that get help from Lead2pass.
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/p-sd-65.html
The customer wants to create a template for roll-out in different countries. Which pricing element do you recommend to maintain country-specifically?
A. Pricing procedures
B. Condition types
C. Access sequences
D. Requirements
Answer: A
Your customer is using their own modified condition tables with a large number of condition records. How can you improve the performance of the pricing procedure?
A. Optimize the access sequence with special requirements.
B. Buffer the condition table within a modification to reduce the number of accesses.
C. Use standard formulas to optimize the pricing procedure process.
D. Split the condition into two by using a customer exit to make the tables smaller.
Answer: B
What is the main advantage of enhancement packages in Business Suite 7.0?
A. The installation of the packages has to be done in chronological order to make sure project can
use best practices.
B. The installation is independent from the existing installation and all functionality of the package
will be activated at once.
C. The installation is done via OSS so that the projects themselves do not require administration
D. The installation of a whole package is required but it is possible to activate only parts of it.
Answer: D
How do you characterize customer and user exits? (Choose two)
A. Customer exits have a predefined interface with the possibility to activate and deactivate them.
B. Customer exits need an SSCR (SAP Software Change Registration) registration.
C. User exits have a predefined interface with the possibility to activate and deactivate them.
D. User exits need an SSCR (SAP Software Change Registration) registration.
Answer: AD
How do you ensure consistency of number ranges in SAP ERP for documents that are uploaded from handhelds?
A. Set up RFC connections between handhelds and the SAP ERP system.
B. Use the middleware to determine the correct number range.
C. Implement a system modification to determine a separate number range.
D. Use a function module from a user exit to identify the origin of the documents.
Answer: D
Your customer upgrades to the SAP NetWeaver 7.0 release. From this release, the classic BAdIs have been completely replaced by new BAdIs, so they ask you to provide a solution for converting the existing BAdIs. What do you recommend?
A. Perform the migration of customer BAdIs and BAdIs that are provided by SAP with the available
migration tool.
B. Use the procedure for semi-automatic migration because of existing differences between classic
and new BAdIs.
C. Perform a completely automated migration of all existing classic BAdIs with the available migration tool.
D. Create new BAdIs because a conversion of classic BAdIs is not foreseen.
Answer: B
To which objects can you assign a shipping point? (Choose two)
A. Loading group
B. Plant
C. Transportation group
D. Delivery type
Answer: AB
Which is the main purpose to use Activity Profiles in transportation?
A. Automatic setting of blocking reasons for shipments
B. Assignment of external transportation planning systems
C. Automation of order to cash process steps
D. Optimization of route determination process
Answer: C
Trading goods should be processed in a distribution center without stock posting. Which approach do you recommend?
A. Cross Docking: The goods are brought from goods receipt directly to goods issue.
B. Radio Frequency Identification: The goods are picked and packed contact free.
C. Lean Warehouse Management: The goods are transferred exclusively without goods receipt and
goods issue stock.
D. Yard Management: The goods are excluded from being stored, because of high transparency in stocks.
Answer: A
Goods issue is posted for a transport but the wrong material has been shipped. Which document needs to be reversed to change the wrong delivery?
A. Material document
B. FI document
C. Transport document
D. Delivery document
Answer: A
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