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Lead2pass dumps for 700-205 exam are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, provided by our certified subject matter experts and published authors for development. We guarantee the best quality and accuracy of our products. We hope you pass the exams successfully with our practice test. With our Cisco 700-205 dumps, you will pass your exam easily at the first attempt. You can also enjoy 365 days free update for your product.

Following questions and answers are all new published by Cisco Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/700-205.html

Which option is a major concern for service providers in regard to migration to flat IP backhaul?

A.    user plane demands
B.    throughput
C.    throughput,signaling, and latency
D.    data plane capacity

Answer: C

Which option lists the main business reasons for a service provider or mobile operator to be interested in deploying Wi-Fi?

A.    macro network optimization, customer churn reduction, and improved monetization
B.    advertising and value-added charging and unified services
C.    business support systems optimization, unified operations, and authentication
D.    video services,IMS services, and MBMS.

Answer: A

Which option best describes Cisco Integrated In-Line Services intelligent detection and optimization?

A.    User traffic is characterized and subsequentlyallowed,blocked,expedited,or rate-limited based on the bit pipe transport utility network.
B.    Traffic flow and security is performed by external elements after it is characterized and subsequently allowed,blocked,or expedited.
C.    Traffic is optimized for peer-to-peer sharing after it is characterized and subsequently allowed,blocked,or rate-limited.
D.    User traffic is characterized and subsequently allowed,blocked,expedited,or rate-limited according to security and subscription rules.

Answer: D

What is the driving force behind Cisco Unified Carrier Ethernet and mobile backhaul?

A.    reduction in the number of access technologies that require integration into the core
B.    move away from usage of traditional ATM and TDM technologies
C.    support for any access over any media technologies
D.    obsolescence of 2G mobile technologies

Answer: C

How many Packet Service Cards are located in a fully loaded Cisco ASR 5000 chassis?

A.    8
B.    14
C.    16
D.    24

Answer: B

Which option is the unique differentiator that sets Cisco ASR 5000 apart from competitors?

A.    seamless interoperability with GGSN
B.    cost-effective evolution to 2G
C.    combines 2G, 3G, and 4G SGSN into the same platform
D.    P2P detection and control

Answer: C

Which Cisco access point Cisco Clean Air?

A.    Cisco 1260 AP
B.    Cisco 1350AP
C.    Cisco 2400 AP
D.    Cisco 3700 AP

Answer: D

Which option lists the important differentiators for Cisco Prime network management?

A.    Cisco Unified Timing, intelligent alarm and service correlation, multi-vendor management, and lifecycle management
B.    unification of TDM, ATM, IP, GE, 10 GE, L3VPN, FMC, femto, multi-vendor management, and lifecycle management
C.    converged management of access and core,easy deployment,and management of Cisco advanced technologies, intuitive GUI intelligent alarm and correlation multi-vendor management and complete experience lifecycle
D.    converged management of access and core,easy deployment,and management of Cisco advanced technologies and lower opex and capex

Answer: C

What is the throughput of a Cisco ASR 5500 that supports any combination of GSM/GPRS, UMTS, HSPA, fixed, femtocell, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and LTE?

A.    30 Gbps
B.    50 Gbps
C.    200 Gbps
D.    500 Gbps

Answer: D

The Cisco ASR 9000 system is optimized for aggregation and designed for longevity and TCO.
Which speed can it scale to per slot?

A.    20Tbps
B.    12Tbps
C.    300Gbps
D.    775Gbps

Answer: C

We offer standard exam questions of Cisco 700-205 dumps. The standard exams are important if you have never taken a real exam. The accuracy of the Q&As are fully guaranteed and the number is enough to impact you passing the exam.

700-205 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDSWRrMlhYWjJLMVE

2016 Cisco 700-205 exam dumps (All 35 Q&As) from Lead2pass:

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