[Full Version] 2017 New 500-801 Exam PDF Ensure 500-801 Certification Exam Pass Successfully (1-10)

2017 February Cisco Official New Released 500-801 Dumps in Lead2pass.com!

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Test your preparation for Cisco 500-801 with these actual 500-801 new questions below. Exam questions are a sure method to validate one’s preparation for actual certification exam.

Following questions and answers are all new published by Cisco Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/500-801.html

In Industrial Automation and Control Systems, which type of traffic gets the highest priority via quality of service configuration?

A.    voice traffic
B.    web and email traffic
C.    industrial device traffic
D.    collaboration traffic

Answer: C

Into which three networks is the traditional Industrial Automation and Control Systems architecture typically organized?

A.    Ethernet network, control network, device network
B.    enterprise network, demilitarized network, control network
C.    Ethernet network, control network, supervisory network
D.    enterprise network, demilitarized network, device network

Answer: A

Which three options are Cisco strengths? (Choose three.)

A.    products based on standards
B.    positive brand recognition
C.    alliances with industrial automation leaders
D.    lowest cost solution provider
E.    leader in providing industrial applications at the site manufacturing and control level

Answer: ABC

Which three options are Cisco strengths in discrete manufacturing? (Choose three.)

A.    use of open, unmodified standards
B.    breadth and depth of industrial, ruggedized, converged network offerings
C.    manufacture production line equipment
D.    lowest cost option
E.    professional services for full assessment, design, and implementation
F.    cloud analytics

Answer: ABE

Which two types of application are supported by one or several APs in the Autonomous architecture? (Choose two.)

A.    multizone
B.    fixed position
C.    fast roaming
D.    mobile with no roaming
E.    continuously relocating devices

Answer: BD

In the Cisco Unified architecture, which action by a workgroup bridge that is configured as a mobile station causes the WGB to search for a new parent association and roam to the new parent?

A.    It encounters a poor RSSI.
B.    It gets a low battery notification.
C.    It travels beyond a specified distance.
D.    It confronts a new WLAN.

Answer: A

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Cisco 500-801 : Practice Test
In the WLAN architecture, which option is used by a group of APs and wireless clients to communicate with each other using common parameters?

A.    Network Service Identifier
B.    Primary Network Identifier
C.    Virtual Network Identifier
D.    Service Set Identifier

Answer: D

Which Connected Factory Wireless solution architecture uses centralized management and control of wireless access?

A.    Autonomous Access
B.    Workgroup Access
C.    Platinum Access
D.    Unified Access
E.    Restricted Access

Answer: D

Which automation protocol, which is supported by Rockwell Automation, does Connected Factory primarily rely on?

A.    DirectNet
B.    Highway Addressable Remote Transducer Protocol
C.    Real-time Automation Protocols for Industrial Ethernet
D.    Honeywell Smart Distributed Systems
E.    Common Industrial Protocol

Answer: E

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Cisco 500-801 : Practice Test
Which option lists the functions that the wireless LAN controller performs for the access points in the Cisco Unified architecture?

A.    Configure, manage, and control
B.    Deploy, control, and operate
C.    Clean, manage, and distribute
D.    Power, configure, and identify
E.    Simplify, manage, and program

Answer: A

These Cisco 500-801 exam questions are all a small selection of questions. If you want to practice more questions for actual 500-801 exam, use the links at the end of this document. Also you can find links for 500-801 VCE software that is great for preparation and self-assessment for Cisco 500-801 exam.

500-801 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDSVo0LUlNbTBfYUU

2017 Cisco 500-801 exam dumps (All 60 Q&As) from Lead2pass:

http://www.lead2pass.com/500-801.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed]