[2016-New] Easily Pass SAP C_EPMBPC_10 Exam With Lead2pass Latest SAP C_EPMBPC_10 Brain Dumps (41-50)
2016 July SAP Official New Released C_EPMBPC_10 Q&As in Lead2pass.com!
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There are many companies that provide C_EPMBPC_10 braindumps but those are not accurate and latest ones. Preparation with Lead2pass C_EPMBPC_10 practice test study guide is a best way to pass this certification exam in easy way.
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-epmbpc-10.html
Which package groups are delivered by SAP in SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation for Netweaver?(data manager)
A. other function
B. data management
C. financial process
D. reporting management
Answer: BC
Which rule type is required if you want to perform consolidation of investment?(business rules and controls)
A. Intercompany bookings
B. Elimination and adjustment
C. Account-based calculation
D. US Eliminations
Answer: B
The parent company D owns 91% of company A, 51% of company B and 49% of company C. which company can use the equity method? (business rules and controls)
A. a
B. b
C. c
D. d
Answer: C
Which model types are required to consolidate investments?(dimensions)
A. Ownership
B. Financial
C. Excgange Rates
D. Consolidation
E. Standard
Answer: ACD
You want to specify a model and dimension members that are used every time you create WEB reports.where do you set this values?(web client and dashboards)
A. EPM Context
B. Preferences
C. Context default
D. Workspace
Answer: C
You have defined the global definition in the business rules.which of the following ownership accounts must contain data if you want to perform the ownership calculation?(consolidation central)
A. PCTRL – percent control
B. POWN _ percent ownership
C. PCON_SYS – percent consolidation_system calculatiion
D. POWN_SYS – percent ownership_system calculation
E. PCON-percent consolidation
Answer: BE
Which tool can you use in the EPM Office Add-in Excel to email a list of static files?(input form and reports)
A. portal publication
B. worksheet generation
C. distribution
D. book publication
Answer: CD
When using US eliminations, which dimensions must you include in the model?(models)
A. Entity
B. Group
C. Time
D. Flow
Answer: AC
Which of the following calculations uses only logic script?(logic and calculation)
A. Ownership calculation
B. Allocation
C. currency translation
D. Reclassification
Answer: B
Which of the following tasks can you perform using the Consolidation Monitor?(consolidation central)
A. run ownwership calculation
B. run currency translation
C. run controls
D. run consolidation
E. run Data Manager packages
Answer: BD
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2016 SAP C_EPMBPC_10 exam dumps (All 189 Q&As) from Lead2pass:
http://www.lead2pass.com/c-epmbpc-10.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed]